Goals For the New Year

The new year brings lots of excitement for this teacher!  Let me explain some of my goals for my students this semester.  
Two new classes are being added to the schedule second semester. 
In place of World Geography, Mr. Partin and I will co-teach the course Fundamentals of Computational Media Design. In this course you are expected to already have background knowledge of Apple Technology and Mac Computers.  You may be given a entrance test in order to qualify to take this course.  Students who already possess the basic technology skills will be given the opportunity to create and apply these skills in this course. All Geography books need to be turned in during the first week back to school. 

Students who took Civics last semester will take Sociology this semester. Sociology is the study of society. I am so excited about this course. We will be exploring a variety of social issues.  All Civics books must be returned during the first week of school. Parents should know that the first project we are doing will be using books that I purchased. These books will not leave the classroom. If your child is absent, you may have to purchase a copy of the book for your home. The title of the book is "A Child Called It" by Dave Pelzer.  If you'd like to help me with the costs of the books, you may send $5.00. This is not required or even expected. I wanted to share this book with my students and I only had 9 copies from previous years of teaching it. It's worth every penny I spent. 

My 10th graders can look forward to finishing Roots. This semester we will work our way to a book by Jack Ratz called "Endless Miracles". This holocaust survivor truly reveals the horrors of Nazi Germany and the triumph of the human spirit. I have spoken with Jack Ratz on the phone. He's an amazing man! I can't wait to share his story with another group of students. I have been teaching his book since 2003. Students have always been moved by this unit.

My 9th Grade World History class will, also, be finishing Roots when we return from Christmas Break. Look for that huge study guide coming home when they prepare for that test. Then, students will be exploring the War for Independence which led to the creation of These United States.  They'll also be able to connect their French Class to my History Class when we begin our study of the French Revolution. We'll be watching Les Miserables by Victor Hugo to compliment Chapter 21. They'll love it when we reach the Age of Industry this semester and discuss all the inventions. We'll reach the Age of Imperialism and learn about Fascism and Nazi Germany. The students are in for such a great semester.

My 8th Grade World History Class can look forward to the study of Medieval Europe. It's a time that may seem like fiction to us now, a time when knights protected kings. We'll talk about the torture devices used in the Inquisition before the Catholic Church was reformed. Later, we'll study the empire of Genghis Khan! Finally, our study will bring us to the Americas. We will explore the continents in their original state before Europeans discovered it. We'll learn who really discovered America! It wasn't Columbus as most of us were told our entire lives. 

I hope everyone is as excited as I am about our second semester. Let's make it count. College will be here before you know it!

Ms. Ronna