Ms. Ronna Says Good Bye To Facebook

Many of you may have noticed that my facebook account is no longer available.  Please email me or post on my blog if you need to ask me anything.
I am always willing to communicate with you about any of your concerns.
I am grading lots of papers this weekend and will post some grades in the grade book soon.
My email is

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Looking Back On The Week
I am reading over 2 classes (9th and 10th Grades) of Slave Essays. This assignment did not focus on grammar or format. It was purely a measure of understanding about slavery. The students were able to use creativity, and I am so proud of these essays. I will keep them for years to come. I am not finished grading them but hope to be finished this weekend.
These same students took the Roots Exam on Friday. This test consisted of 78 questions that required reflection and comprehension. There was not one single fill in the blank or multiple choice question on this test.  I look forward to seeing how they did.

7/8th Grade
We had a great review on Thursday before the test.  The students were able to earn an extra 10 points on the test through the game if they stayed in both rounds.  I used the test created by the company that made our book. I am looking forward to seeing those scores.

I am really proud of these students and their child abuse reports. We learned that our story, "A Child Called It", was not only true for David Pelzer, the author, but is still happening to children even in Alabama.  Child Abuse Awareness is so important. I am going to work an art project into the curriculum in the next few weeks for the art show. We are going to create a banner or individual posters about child abuse. We'll include signs to look for and what to do if child abuse is suspected.

We paused our reading on Friday to watch another movie about society and how it can break down. The movie (The original black and white) Lord of the Flies had all of us sitting on the edge of our seats. We paused to discuss the character of some of the boys. We saw leadership from two different boys, but only one had the character to lead in a positive way.  We will finish that movie on Monday. We only have 15 minutes left until the end. We will discuss the important sociological lessons from the film.

11th/12th Grade Design Media
I am very excited about what these students may be able to accomplish in this class.  Their blogs are already getting lots of attention, and they are also working on their TEXTING AND DRIVING projects for the contest. They may not like me by the time this class is over, but I guarantee you they will know a lot about technology. They will have tools that will help them in many areas. I have high expectations. I appreciate Mr. Partin for helping me with this class.