Sick at Home

The flu has hit our school full force. So far, I am one of 4 teachers home with the flu. I will not return to school until Monday under my doctor's advice.  Please, keep students home if they are running fever.  A parent sent me a link from the Center for Disease Control. It stated that you should not return to school until you have a full 24 hours with no fever. This means you are not having to use Tylenol to control your fever. There should be a 24 hour  period since you had to even take any fever reducing medication.
I will send some reinforcement work this week for students.  If they do learn new material while I am gone, I will re-teach it when I return on Monday.
There are really only 3 days in this week since Monday we were closed for weather, and Friday, we are closed for the Deer Hunt.
To all my students out sick, I love you and I pray you get well soon. To all my parents who are keeping those babies home and taking care of them, I pray you do not get sick. The most important job under the sun is being a parent. May God bless you and your families.